Teachers are one of the building blocks where they have to deal with students from all backgrounds and mindset. They have devised and employ everything strategically because one thing done wrong can create a problem in the whole learning process.
The field of psychology has played a more significant role in understanding the process in which the learning process of students can be enhanced. The reason is that teaching and learning are linked with social and behavioral contexts which influence the overall human development whether it is cognition, motivation, social interaction or communication.

British primary schools in Dubai focus on the development of the students by enabling a positive learning environment in the classrooms.
Following are some of the psychological principles that can enhance the overall learning of the students and teachers.
Growth mindset and prior knowledge
Research shows that any students who have growth mindset more than anything are more likely to get learn effectively because for them success is because of efforts they are going to put. The more the efforts are, the better the success is.
Teachers can use this principle to let student that growth is more important than fixed success through classroom discussions and activities. Prior knowledge is one of the things which influence the learning process of the students because students build the new information on their already existing knowledge. Teachers can use this knowledge smartly to understand what students already know about specific topics and how this can be enhanced.
Learning in a context
It is not what you teach your students, but it is more about how and where you teach your students. Context is a significant factor which impacts the learning process. Students will learn from their context, and if they are able to transfer the learning from one context to another, then the learning process is effective and long-lasting.
Ask students to discuss or understand a particular chapter based on their prior knowledge and context just to see if the gist is right or not.
This will also bring a stir in the creativity aspect of the students, and it is essential in the tech-savvy world to have some sort of creativity.
British primary schools in Dubai have a strong focus on the learning environment and how context can be used to enhance the learning of the students.
Intrinsic motivation
As you might have heard that students who are motivated are likely to learn effectively and ultimately are more successful.
Intrinsic motivation is more important the extrinsic because if someone is motivated internally, then the person is more likely to have more effective learning process. The internal motivation is driven, and students will feel pleasure in learning.
Teachers can increase the intrinsic motivation by organizing healthy classroom discussions, activities and providing other platforms which support the students to be autonomous.
The expectation of the teachers
Because teachers are the ones who are directly dealing with the students, therefore, they are the ones who can directly influence the perspective and learning of the students.
Teachers, in general, have high expectations of the students, and the level of the expectation can impact learning. Also, the way these expectations are communicated can also impact the learning outcome. According to psychological researchers, if the expectations are enforced and everyone is pushed to the edge to meet the expectation then more than learning it will bring negative vibe in the classrooms.
Interpersonal relationships
These are a relationship which can be seen in classrooms and has a strong influence on the overall environment of the classroom.
The relationship can be between teacher-students or students-peers and build these relationships positively can lead to a better learning environment. Students will be more active and are more likely to work in groups because could gel well with their peers
Mental health or emotional well-being
Much of the psychological concepts have focused on improving the mental health of the students. If the student is emotional and mentally stable, they will be able to participate in classroom activities as compared to when there is emotional imbalance is going on.
Emotional well being can also be linked to better self-esteem, self-efficacy, and motivation of the students. British primary schools in Dubai take into the consideration the emotional well-being of their student. Teachers need to be observant about the behavior of the students, and there is a disturbing pattern or vibe they should discuss with the student and the parents.
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