One of the worst dilemmas for parents is when your child refuses to share something they own with their friends. And no matter how much parents try to coax their kid into sharing their stuff, children will be children and often disappoint you with their arrogance when it comes to sharing!
Parents need to work with their kids starting from early years in order to help them acquire habits that encourage them to become better human beings But it's not just parents who need to work on children! It's equally important that the teachers and the schools that they go to encourage them to share with their class fellows and peers.
If you've ever been to your child's kindergarten classroom, you've probably seen them grouped on their tables sharing art supplies. That's just one-way schools try to incorporate sharing in kids and at the same time, compensate for insufficient resources.

Similar to the norm, British schools in Dubai allow children to sit and work in groups, not only is it convenient for teachers to pay attention to each group, but it’s also a way to get them to share what they have!
So, how can you get your child to share
Here are a few tips parents can use to encourage their children to share with their mates.
Be the model for them
Remember! When it comes to kids, it’s always about practising and preaching which is why it is essential that you show them how it's done! Whether its food or its toys during their laytime, make sure you share with them whatever can be shared.
When they learn how to do it, they can practice it too!
Talk to them
Communication remains essential when dealing with kids, which is why it is essential that you talk to your children about why they don't like sharing. Questions like "Are u scared you won't be given your toy back?". It helps the toddler recognise their feelings, and it also enables you to understand why they don't feel like sharing.
Give them choices
If during play time, your child fails to follow your rules about sharing, try getting between the argument and offer them choices. “Which car would you like to share, the red one or the blue one," is a wonderful way to get them to understand that they have to share either way.
Don’t enforce your decisions
Children are pretty abstract about the idea of sharing which is why you need to stop enforcing your decisions. Instead of “share this or ill hand it over to your friend” opt for “let's take turns."
One other thing you can do is to tell them about any playdates that you've organised for them but then put aside any toys that your child isn't happy sharing. Take out toys he doesn’t mind sharing and allow other kids to play with them.
Encourage them to share food
When you pack their lunches, make sure you pack some extra for them to share with their friends. Ask them how their friends felt when they shared food with them and use positive words to describe how they may have felt in order to inculcate a sense of sharing in them.
Don’t always come to their rescue
Sometimes it’s ok to just let your kids about who takes which toy. Every once in a while step back when there are signs of trouble sharing >this is important because it shows them that they won't always find you around to end the dispute and they might have to be the bigger person without being told to be so.
Get them to share stuff at school
Similar to the schools in UAE schools also try to incorporate a sense of sharing by allowing children to sit in groups in the classroom. The grouped seating allows children to share academic supplies and artefacts that the teacher may bring to class may bring to class. Dividing time equally among the students to enable them to study the object, use it or play with it (in the case of kindergarteners) also helps children understand the importance of sharing.
There might be some bumps on the road when you’re teaching your kids to share, but that’s a norm when you’re dealing with children! The reward, however, is fruitful and it a moment of pride when you see your child sharing!
Implement the tips mentioned above and see your child transform into a person who loves sharing. Opt for the best British schools in Dubai and allow your child to learn in a classroom that encourages children to share!
We assure you, your child's benevolence will leave other mothers wondering where your child learns their manners from!
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