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Tips to help your child with Primary school

Writer: Steve PaulSteve Paul

From kindergarten to primary school, the transition may be sometimes too big for a child. Study lessons may not seem as easy to them as they were back in kindergarten where they focused more on play- based learning. Elementary schools include end of lesson exams and are result oriented.

British curriculum schools in Dubai

Teachers and Parents can work together to help children with primary school. But due to the limited number of hours they spend at school the major chunk falls with the parents. Here are a few tips parents can use to help their primary school go-er do well at school.

Attend school events and Parent Teacher meetings

  • A good way to stay in touch with your child’s education is to attend their school events Not only does it give you a chance to catch up with the teachers but it also helps them communicate important expectations and goals that they set for the children each year.

  • Parent teacher meetings may be held twice or thrice a year and they focus on reporting the performance of students. These meetings are usually detailed sessions where you can discuss your reservations with the teachers and they can update you on your child’s performance.

  • Most primary schools have made it easier for parents to learn about their child’s progress. British curriculum schools in Dubai offer an online portal for parents where they can not only view their child’s homework assignments, online resources for learning, but also get updates regarding their child’s progress.

Stay updated about school

  • Visit the school personally and observe your child’s surrounding so that you have an idea regarding the kind of day your kid is having at school. This way you will be able to talk to them about the playground, what they played at school, what time they ate and what they during their lunch break.

  • Access school websites to stay updated about their school calendar, lessons, staff information and exam time tables.

Support homework activities

  • Work with your child to create an effective study environment which is well lit, away from disturbances so that your child can study without being disturbed. Help your child when he does their homework. Help them practice.

  • Do no tell them the correct answers and do not offer to do their homework yourself because children learn through mistakes and by doing their homework you inhibit the learning process.

Send them to school ready to learn

  • Always feed your children breakfast before they leave for school. According to studies, children who have breakfast in the morning have the energy to do better in schools and perform better. And complain less about stomach aches, have lower chances of skipping School.

  • Provide healthy eating options that are high in fiber and protein and low in sugar. Send along some fresh fruits if they’re getting late for school.

  • Sleep is an important part of your child’s routine so make sure that your elementary school goer is getting plenty of sleep. Your child should be getting approximately 10-12 hours of sleep. Less sleep or disturbed sleep may cause irritability and hyperactivity and lack of attentiveness towards what is being taught.

  • Make sure your child has a strict routine on school nights so that they can get enough time to sleep, and pay attention to lessons the next day.

Teach them organization skills

  • At the elementary level, organization should include an assignment book that helps them stay on top of all the assignments that have been assigned to them.

  • Teach your kids the use of planners so that they try to maintain their organization skills. Also ask them to keep their study desks; at school and at home organized.

Help them study

  • Children are exposed to their end of unit exams during primary school, so make sure you’re well informed about any upcoming tests. Make sure to work with your child and to help them study way ahead of time.

  • Help your child understand the importance of breaking down large chunks into smaller parts and then studying for the tests. If you feel your child is under stress talk to them and the teacher about it. All three of you should be able to develop a solution that helps with their learning habits.

  • Parents can use the help of teachers to help their children study. Some British curriculum Schools in Dubai include examination tips on their website, in an attempt to help children out with their exams.


Perhaps the most important thing to consider helping with your child’s learning is to keep talking to them. Talk about their school, their friends, their exams, what they play in school and whether they’re finding it hard to study a certain subject.

Getting involved in their lifestyles not only helps you understand what they’re experiencing at school but it also help pinpoint problems sooner before they get worse.


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