If you look around, then there has been constant change in the life and social context which has impacted the learning and education of the children. Many schools have started the reform in the curriculum which has enhanced the productivity and learning process.
The focus of the primary school is to provide a kind of experience which enhances the overall development of the children by inducing the critical skills, strengthening the interpersonal skills and also offer a range of educational knowledge they will be able to implement in future. Schools also have focused on providing the health education and focus on the opting for a healthy lifestyle for the students. British curriculum schools in Dubai have strong intention to make students aware of their personal skills, provide ways to improve them and also promote the healthy lifestyle.
Primary education is the baseline for any education, and if done right it will direct the students to the right track of development and education. However, there is always a room for improvement and schools can most often utilize the room of improvement. Primary education is continuously improving, and schools are putting effort into doing so.

Following are some of the things schools can do to improve the primary education in their respective school:
Look Out For The Opinions Of The Students:
Student these days are more active and would like to give their say in certain matters. To keep that in mind, teachers must encourage the opinion of the students whether in the classroom or during any activity that is happening in schools.
After all, it is about their learning so they should be able to comprehend information on their knowledge and if there is any modification required. The children say should extend to the teaching and evaluation methods as well. If schools incorporate this method, then it will enhance the learning process of the students and make education more effective.
It Is Not The First Step But Rather A Baseline For Everything:
Teachers need to understand that the primary education is not the first step but rather is a baseline of what and how students learn and process the education. It is not only about educating or preparing them for the first level, but it is more about understanding and knowing their potential as well as their interest.
British curriculum schools in Dubai have understood this aspect and focus on the education as the baseline instead of it being a step by step process. It is all about present and future of the development and learning.
Another important consideration is that schools should take education as something more positive and contextual because if something is not fitting as per social context, then it is not worth. Primary education is much more than science and math's basics, but it expands to social learning.
Evidence-Based Teaching Process:
We cannot deny the fact that teachers are central to education and learning. They are the ones who bring life and imagination to the curriculum for the students. They say right about teaching that it is an art and to be a good teacher is one of the most challenging jobs.
Children’s learning process is relying heavily on good teaching which means a school has to bring in good quality teachers. The syllabus can be compromised in terms of chapters but whatever is taught should be outclassed, and students should be able to learn that.
Teachers should be able to feel empathetic of students and the hardships they face during the learning process. Dedication and interest are what makes a teacher great.
Test Results Are Not Everything:
Most of us have the mindset that a student who has the highest grade is the brightest of all and the highest level of learning. There are few things you would want to know that test results are not everything and it is high time that teachers and schools move beyond assessment relying on test results.
British curriculum schools in Dubai support the assessments which are focused on learning more than grades. Tests are valuable but not as much as the actual learning ensuring the high standard of learning in all aspects.