If you have recently moved to Dubai and have a child between the ages of 16 and 18, then a key decision that you may have to make is whether your child should take the A-levels or IB route. While A-levels is the most popular educational program in the UAE, the International Baccalaureate is not far behind.
If your child takes the A-levels route, they will be able to choose three or four courses that are related to humanities and science. If your child takes the International Baccalaureate they will be able to six courses related to humanities and science. Additionally, they will also be studying “creativity, activity, service” and “theory of knowledge,” and will have to write an extended essay of up to 4,000 words.
Some children enjoy the International Baccalaureate syllabus, while others struggle through the program. The same goes for children studying at British curriculum schools in Dubai as well. So, how do you decide? Your decision should not be based on figuring out which program is more superior to the other.
It is true that the International Baccalaureate is an esteemed qualification that grants a competitive edge to international schools in Dubai that offer it. Holding the IB diploma also somewhat guarantees entry into universities all over the world.
Ultimately though, the process of applying to a university and the assurance of getting accepted is barely different, whether a student holds a GCSE or an IB diploma.
However, it is understandable if you are still confused about supporting your child through choosing either A-levels or IB.
How Is International Baccalaureate Different From A-levels?
Whatever your child’s choice may end up being, avoid enrolling them in a school that only offers IB and is selling it as the best program. As mentioned, your child will take six subjects while pursuing the IB diploma.
The three subjects at the standard level include English, a foreign language, mathematics and a science subject. If your child ends up being weak at either of those, their final mark could go down. Many IB students later realize that they should have gone to one of the A-levels British curriculum schools in Dubai for this very reason.
Unlike A-levels, the International Baccalaureate is not concentrated on imparting knowledge related to a specific field, such as engineering, based on the chosen subjects. This can go both ways. Your child may end up being clueless about what profession to pursue, but at the same time, it will allow them to leave their options wide open.
On the surface, it seems that A-levels emphasizes depth of knowledge, while IB focuses on broad education. However, the three subjects that IB students have to choose at the higher level tend to be as demanding and diverse as those in A-levels.
At the end of the day, it is the overall score of IB students and the score they acquire at the higher level that matters.
Conclusion – A-Levels or IB?
It is true that students holding an International Baccalaureate diploma receive a greater number of university offers. However, to enter into a specific university and study a specific course, A-levels might serve your child better.
In fact, if your child intends to pursue a degree in mathematics or science, it will be more worthwhile for them to study at an A-levels British school in Dubai.