We all are so occupied with the technology that we overlook the importance of art. You might have heard the thing Earth without art is just EH. That is how important the art is for our surroundings and us. We need to encourage the art and should instill in children since their childhood. One of the ways to go about it is having the art classes. Children these days have more devices then they have paint brushes or been to music classes.
Art is not an easy thing because it requires attention and concentration on the detailing as well as deep interest. Many schools have taken an interest in providing students with an opportunity to take the art classes. Art is a diverse field and arena is broad which means there are a lot of ways schools can go about it.
For example, they can have painting classes, music lessons and even the dance classes. It all depends on the capacity of the school and the interests of the students. Regardless of the type of art, there is a dire need for schools allocating the funds for art programs. They are equally crucial for the education of the children and their minds as well as personal development.
Several schools that are providing something training or coaching related to any form of art. For instance, British schools in Dubai give the facilities of art classes as a part of the extracurricular activities.
Here is how an art programs can enhance the education of the children
· Make you think different:
It is that one subject or the time where students do not have any boundary. It is their chance to think and do anything which comes to their mind.
The world becomes theirs, and it is up to explore it as per their imagination.
· Give them break from monotonous routine:
Sometimes classes are boring no matter how important they are and the art class will break that boring ice by helping them think creatively. Think of having math class every day and how tired you can be. Now if you will get a small art class break where you can sing, draw or dance then how fresh you will be.
· They become creative:
The world is looking for someone who is more creative, so art allows them to be that. They need to come up with a tangible thing of what is in their mind. It means they can do that in that period by sharing their thoughts and feelings in any art form.
· Foster confidence:
When children are given the opportunity to express themselves, then it will also instil confidence among them. They will be able to own things and feel pride in their work. In other words, they will be able to achieve something which they can share with others. This confidence will go a long way in their career.
Final thoughts:
Now you can see how useful the art classes can be for children. They are an essential part of good British schools in Dubai and should be integrated into others schools as well.